My Fall Internship: A Teaser

I know that I've been MIA, but I'm back with a new update: my fall internship! If there's one thing that I know for sure right now, it's that this is definitely not where I expected my life to be at the end of last semester! While I've gone through several major life transitions lately, …

Adventures in Montreal, Quebec!

I fell in love with Montreal in less than 90 hours. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. I'm not even sure that I wanted it to happen. All that I know is that it did happen, and that I wouldn't change it for the world. The Ed-ICT Symposium in Montreal is over, unfortunately. I …

Ed-ICT Symposium: Montreal, Reflection

The Ed-ICT symposium in Montreal was wonderful! I've written about the first and second days of the symposium, so check out those posts if you are interested in the specifics! When I posted in Seattle, I included my reflections at the end of each post. However, these Montreal posts were just far too long to …

Ed-ICT Symposium: Montreal, Day Two

The second day of the Ed-ICT Symposium has begun! Yesterday was just so amazing and thought-provoking that I will be sad to have to leave Friday morning! I have had so many opportunities to network and to learn about the wonderful things that individuals are working on at their own universities. The Symposium Continues Today's …